How can the European Union deliver on reproductive freedom?

Main illustration: Sidsel Sørensen for Fine Acts

Sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) underpin the health and well-being of all Europeans, from access to contraceptive and abortion care, sexual health services, and comprehensive sexuality education, to being protected from violence and coercion, regardless of their gender or sexual orientation. When people are denied universal access to SRHR, achieving gender equality is impossible.

Unfortunately, access to these rights varies greatly within and between EU Member States (MS), which is particularly harmful to those in the most vulnerable situations. SRHR are increasingly under threat, with the rise of illiberal coercive movements against gender equality, women’s and LGBTI rights, and a shrinking civil society space within the EU.

The European Parliament has a longstanding legacy as the EU institutions’ strongest defender of SRHR, and it is vital that it continues to uphold and advance them in the 2024-2029 legislative term. 

Quick explainer on building an inclusive feminist Europe

Our work with the European Commission


Our recommendations to the European Commission 2024-2029

We are asking for the renewal of the mandate of a European Commissioner dedicated to (Gender) Equality, the renewal the Union of Equality Agenda and all relevant Strategies, while mainstreaming SRHR in them, – and for sufficient funding for gender equality and SRHR in the EU budget.


Why we need an EU Feminist Foreign Policy

We need an aproach that challenges power inequities, sheds light on and seeks to abolish systems of oppression, transforms harmful gender norms, tackles multiple and intersecting forms of inequalities; and above all, is rights-based. 


On the EU law to combat violence against women and domestic violence

We welcome the first ever EU law to combat violence against women and domestic violence and call for the swift adoption of the strongest text possible.


On the Team Europe Initiative on SRHR

Our recommendations on the crucial role of civil society; addressing the main barriers to the realisation of SRHR, leaving no one behind; and adequate funding.


On the EU's plan to contribute to gender equality worldwide

The Gender Action Plan is an unique opportunity for the EU to continue promoting gender equality in EU external policies and fight for the fulfillment of SRHR globally. 

Credit illustrations: David Espinosa & Sidsel Sørensen 

A call for a feminist Europe

The value of gender equality is close to the hearts of European citizens – 91% of Europeans believe that promoting it is important to ensuring a fair and democratic society. Sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) are a key precondition for the realization of gender equality, as well as of the human rights, health, and well-being of everyone in Europe and the world. The EU and its Member States must recognize that SRHR are at the core of fundamental EU values, and further strive towards a world where everyone can enjoy the same rights, and lead free and safe private and family lives, free from sexism, coercion, and violence.

We call on the EU to ensure that all people can lead free and safe private and family lives, in a society free from sexism and discrimination.

Feminist dictionary

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